
Managing commands

Handling commands through menu or toolbar event in .Net is easy: you click on the item and choose the handler for the Click event. If two items have the same purpose (the FileOpen menu item and the Open button for instance), you simply use the same handler.

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Adding Design Time support to the ServingNestedContainer

The ServingNestedContainer is fine but it does not support DesignTime. Therefore, if you want to still be able to benefit from the productivity improvement of the designer, you have to re-site your components.

Fortunately, it is possible to implement a component that would, through its Designer, register a CodeDomProvider that overrides the CodeDomProvider in charge of initializing of the components field.

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Unleashing the wonders of the Component model

One of the things that made me like the .Net framework so much was the component model, along with the design time support.

At first sight, a Component looks like a stand alone piece of code you can parametrize and use in your own code. The easiest way to do so is to create a component derived class and to drop components on it. Then, the design time mechanism quicks in and you can use the PropertyGrid to set the properties and register the event listeners.

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